CEO overconfidence and corporate investment. (2005)
"..studied how hubris affects CEOs' corporate investment decisions ... CEOs tend to think that under their glorious leadership the stock prices will keep going up, so they keep holding on to...
Leadership and the psychology of power. (2005)
“…power is disinhibiting… to understand leadership behaviour it is important to consider the psychological effects of power on the leader” Joe C. Magee, Deborah. H. Gruenfeld; Stanford University Dacher J....
Assessing leadership style: Trait analysis. (2005)
"Seven traits have been found to be particularly useful in assessing leadership style: 1 - the belief that one can influence or control what happens. 2 - the need for...
One from many: Visa and the rise of the Chaordic Organization. (2005)
"Hubris is by no means confined to organisations and to individuals in positions of power, and that it may also be observed within scientific and other academic disciplines. Dee...
Imperial Hubris: why the West is losing the war on terror. (2005)
"We are losing the war on terror. Until U.S. leaders recognize the errant path they have irresponsibly chosen, our enemies will only grow stronger. Originally published anonymously, later revealed to...
Unbounded irrationality: Risk and organizational narcissism at Long Term Capital Management. (2003)
“..focuses on the near collapse of the highly prestigious hedge-fund Long Term Capital Management (LTCM) in September 1998, causing widespread fears (of a) global financial meltdown. Prof Mark Stein,...
From power to action. (2003)
"...investigated the hypothesis that power increases an action orientation in the power holder, even in contexts where power is not directly experienced. Galinsky, A. D., Northwestern University Gruenfeld, D.H....
Leaders, fools and impostors: Essays on the psychology of leadership. (2003)
"The author identifies distinct leader types including the narcissist whose drive for power and prestige can bring much-needed vitality to an organisation, but whose inability to accept criticism ultimately creates a climate...
A cross cultural exploratory study of the linkage between emotional intelligence and managerial effectiveness. (2003)
" low power distance cultures like as the United States and United Kingdom, self‐awareness of interactive skills may be crucial relative to effectiveness whereas in high PD cultures, such as...
The harder they fall. (2003) Just when they appear to have it all, A-list performers demonstrate uncharacteristic lapses in judgment or personal conduct.
"In their brilliant and rapid ascents, “star” leaders repeatedly demonstrate the intelligence, resourcefulness, and drive to go the distance. They prove adept at overcoming whatever obstacles they encounter Roderick...