Posts tagged with: Hubris
The hubris of the 2016 candidates. (2016)
"The rivals are like Shakespearean protagonists falling prey to hubris, the excessive pride that can make politicians believe the rules that govern normal mortals do not apply to them." Stephen...
Entitled at the top: are leaders more selfish than the rest of us? (2016)
"...generosity is often strategically demonstrated to attain status (and) may decrease once status-attainment goals are achieved..." APS Association for Psychological Science ‘Minds for Business’ website article. Based on the peer-reviewed paper ‘To...
10 major behavioural traits of successful traders. (2016)
“Humility and humbleness don’t fit the common image of ‘Masters of the Universe’. However, they are words I associate with many of the most successful traders I know.” Steven Goldstein,...
Deepwater Horizon and the suppression of risky conversations. (2016)
“..highlights cultural values and practices that ‘ran under the radar’ (and how) hubris was enculturated on the project." Dr Rob Long, founder Human Dymensions blog/article in (Communication and Consultation,...
How harnessing your insecurities can boost your career.
"...insecurity is an antidote to hubris....questioning your wisdom now and then is a wise thing to do." Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Hogan CEO, Professor of Business Psychology at University College London &...
England coach Allardyce forced out in disgrace after 1 game. (2016)
"It's a painful decision, but it's the right decision if we are to protect the integrity of The FA." Associated Press Mail Online, 28 September 2016 Image: AP Photo/Scott Heppell,...
Too much of a good thing? (2016)
A personal view of recent political events as seen through the lens of hubris and ‘the intoxicating effects of power’. (Another in an occasional series of contributions from friends of...
The Chilcot Report: Iraq’s grim lessons. (2016)
Then UK prime minister Tony Blair, "is not a liar and a war criminal (as many contend), but a man steered by a fatal combination of hubris, wishful thinking and...
Trump’s 257 self-references in speech may suggest hubris. (2016)
In his 45 minute speech announcing his presidential candidacy, Donald Trump used 'I' a total of 195 times, 'my' or 'mine' 28 times, 'me' 22 times and 'I’ve' or 'I’d'...
How to find your power – and avoid abusing it. (2016)
" finds that power is not grabbed but is given to individuals by groups.... your ability to make a difference in the world - your power - is shaped by what...