Posts tagged with: Hubris
Hubris characterises African Bank boss Kirkinis, Myburgh Commission says. (2016)
"Hubris often indicates a loss of contact with reality and an overestimation of one’s own competence, accomplishments or capabilities Maarten Mittnjer, BusinessDay Live, Business / Financial Services, 12 May 2016...
The bear-king or the price of hubris. (2016)
….nobody dared bring the king any bad news, They made sure he only heard the things he wanted to hear. Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries. In ‘Telling fairy tales...
Brazil’s Rousseff undone by hubris, economic missteps, (2016)
"...stubbornness, economic mismanagement and a tendency toward self-isolation... led her to rebuff advice that might have averted recession and saved her politically. Reuters > World, Tuesday 10 May 2016 Brad...
Incoming UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) chief warns of ‘hubris risk’ in firms’ culture. (2016)
"Hubris should be classed alongside credit and liquidity risks. Jill Treanor The Guardian>Regulators, Monday 9 May 2016. Andrew Bailey (pictured), incoming chief executive of the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA),...
Boom Bust Boom, a Pythonesque look at financial crashes. (2016)
“While Nobel Prize winners, academics and economists … mention numerous reasons for these meltdowns, hubris is often cited as the chief culprit Ken Jaworowski New York Times > Movies, 10...
Boasting vs. humility: which one wins? (2016)
"...even the toxic part of a narcissist's personality can be judged positively if it's interspersed with a dash of humility." James Adonis, The Sydney Morning Herald>My Business 19March 2016 “…we...
Guest Blog: Hubris by Design. (2016)
"Those particularly at risk of developing hubris … may be in jeopardy not so much because of flaws in their .. personality but because of their location at the top...
Riding the leadership rollercoaster: An observer’s guide. (2016)
"(tools to) prevent leaders becoming prisoners of their own past, making the same mistakes over and over again." Manfred F.R. Kets de Vries, INSEAD Springer NB - includes the chapter ‘Riding...
Five stars and falling stars. (2016)
“Hubris has a nasty habit of breeding disaster, particularly when combined with oodles of cheap debt.” Gillian Tett, > FT Magazine, 8 April 2016 “ 1990 the Japanese bubble...
All but Tata could see the hubris of buying Corus. (2016)
"It was … up there with Lloyds’ merger with HBOS or Royal Bank of Scotland’s acquisition of ABN Amro in the roll call of disastrously ill-judged takeovers. Jeremy Warner The...