Posts tagged with: Hubris
Sepp Blatter finally lets go of Fifa as FBI noose tightens. (2015)
“Blatter has long been addicted to the power and prestige afforded him by his job… At times he appeared divorced from the reality of his organisation” Owen Gibson, chief sports...
Guest Blog: There are no positive aspects to ‘Hubris’. 2015
"... while some positive qualities may be attributed to related concepts and .. good self-esteem and ...proportionate pride in one’s achievements is welcome, hubris has no positive connotations and is unacceptable under all...
Review of Meghnad Desai’s book ‘Hubris: why economists failed to predict the crisis and how to avoid the next one’. 2015
“The idea of equilibrium is a dangerous delusion.. The accuracy of his pessimistic conclusion remains to be seen.” Stewart Lansley, visiting fellow in the Townsend Centre for International Poverty...
Wall Street’s finest head for the Silicon Valley. 2015
"As its allure and self-confidence swells, Silicon Valley might repeat some of the political and social mistakes that created the Wall Street boom and bust. Gillian Tett, 26 March...
Where Greek myths match today’s reality. (2015)
"Might the best guide to what is happening in Greece now be the heaving underbelly of Greek myth, that repository of the unimaginably cruel, disgraceful and disastrous aspects of human...
What pushes scientists to lie? The disturbing but familiar story of Haruko Obokata. (2015)
"If Obokata hadn’t tried to be a world-beater, chances are her sleights of hand would have gone unnoticed… John Rasko and Carl Power, The Guardian 18 February 2015 “The spectacular...
Hubris: Why economists failed to predict the crisis and how to avoid the next one. (2015)
“…underscores the contribution of hubris to economists' calamitous lack of foresight, and makes a persuasive case for re-engagement with the history of economic thought. Professor Lord Desai, Honorary Fellow...
An open letter to Stuart Gulliver: HSBC is now paying the price for its hubris in recent years. (2015)
"You have used this to stand off to one side, basking in the glow of your own hubris. This has to end." James Moore, The Independent, Tuesday 24 February 2015 (Addressed...
Conference papers collected – The Intoxication of Power: Interdisciplinary insights. (2015)
Assembled from papers presented to the two first Daedalus Trust conferences, this new book offers perspectives on leadership hubris from business, neuroscience, psychology and other disciplines. Edited by Peter Garrard...
Guest Blog: A test of leadership. (2015)
"Hubris can be described as over-confidence on steroids." Our latest in an occasional series of guest blogs comes from Professor Dennis Tourish. “A test of leadership" discusses the importance of listening to opposing views...