Posts tagged with: Management
Where does pride lead? Corporate managerial hubris and strategic emphasis. (2017)
"...high corporate managerial hubris predicts low strategic emphasis on advertising relative to R&D..." MinChung Kim, Ulsan National University of Science and Technology, Republic of Korea; Guiyang Xiong Whitman School of...
The double-edged sword of leader charisma: Understanding the curvilinear relationship between charismatic personality and leader effectiveness. (2017)
“…charismatic tendencies become maladaptive, particularly in relation to leader effectiveness, when taken too far.” Jasmine Vergauwe, Ghent University, Belgium; Bart Wille, University of Antwerp, Belgium; Joeri Hofmans, Vrije Universiteit Brussel,...
Narcissistic force meets systemic resistance: The energy clash model. (2017)
“…conceptualizes the impact of a narcissistic leader in three phases, and discusses six ways for harnessing the positive sides of narcissistic energy..” Constantine Sedikides, University of Southampton, UK; W. Keith...
Understanding level 5 leaders: the ethical perspectives of leadership humility. (2017)
“Leaders can be more effective if they understand the ethical nature of leadership and the importance of humility in building trust.” Cam Caldwell, Riki Ichiho, Verl Anderson: Dixie State University, Utah...
Hierarchy stability moderates the effect of status on stress and performance in humans. (2017)
"High status inhibits stress responses and improves performance during stressful situations in a stable hierarchy, but boosts stress responses and carries no performance advantage in an unstable hierarchy." Erik L. Knight...
Character traits of effective executives: A phenomenological study of CEOs in Ghana. (2016)
"Four major themes were revealed… integrity, forward looking, emotional intelligence, and caring for others….." Remy Nyukorong, Stichting Kongregatie F.I.C. The Netherlands; and William Quisenberry, Swiss Management Center University School of...
Entitled at the top: are leaders more selfish than the rest of us? (2016)
"...generosity is often strategically demonstrated to attain status (and) may decrease once status-attainment goals are achieved..." APS Association for Psychological Science ‘Minds for Business’ website article. Based on the peer-reviewed paper ‘To...
When ethical leader behavior breaks bad: how ethical leader behavior can turn abusive via ego depletion and moral licensing. (2016)
"...companies could consider formally requiring ethical behavior. "It's more difficult for people to feel they've earned credit and moral license for performing something that is mandatory." Russell E. Johnson, Ass....
Battling hubris before crisis strikes: Suggestions for researchers and practitioners. (2016)
“… there is a strong case for changes to be considered to governance, regulation and certain aspects of organisation design and reward.” Matt Nixon - Associate, Ashridge Business School and...
Executive over-confidence and compensation structure. (2016)
"...firms tailor compensation contracts to individual behavioral traits such as overconfidence.” Mark Humphery-Jenner, UNSW Business School, Australia; Ling Lei Lisic, George Mason University, Virgina; Vikram Nanda, Rutgers University New Jersey...