Posts tagged with: Leadership
When more is not enough: Executive greed and its influence on shareholder wealth. (2014)
"new research examines the effects of greed on shareholder wealth and looks at whether various contextual factors, like a strong board of directors, CEO tenure and discretion make the situation...
The management shift: How to harness the power of people and transform your organization for sustainable success. (2014)
“…offers managers a practical and systemic approach to diagnose leadership issues in their organisation, then provides an implementation process…” Professor Vlatka Hlupic, University of Westminster; also London Business School and...
Leader corruption depends on power and testosterone. (2014)
“Amount of followers and discretionary choices independently predicted leader corruption… power interacted with endogenous testosterone in predicting corruption, which was highest when leader power and baseline testosterone were both high....
The Science of Leadership: Lessons from research for organizational leaders. (2014)
"Takes a middle ground between the academic and practitioner approaches to leadership by outlining practical guidelines that are evidence-based." Julian Barling PhD, Queen’s School of Business, Canada. Oxford University Press, 6 March...
Why are there so many horrible bosses? (2014)
“What can organizations and individuals do about bad bosses?" Prof. Ronald E. Riggio, Claremont McKenna College, California Psychology Today 6 August 2014. “We all likely have a story of that...
The Oxford Handbook of leadership and organizations. (2014)
"...a collection of comprehensive, state-of-the-science reviews and perspectives on the most pressing historical and contemporary leadership issues." David V. Day (Ed.) Oxford University Press. From the publisher’s website: Addresses various...
The myth of the strong leader: political leadership in the modern age. (2014)
"Brown warns of the dangers of leaders who, whether in a democracy or a tyranny, seek to dominate policy and all those around them. The reality or the delusion of unchallenged...
Conference 2014 video: Panel discussion with media representatives on charisma v competence
“How do the media magnify charisma when it’s a good thing, and deflate hubris when it needs to be?” “I think they do it very badly…” Jon Snow (long-serving Channel...
Conference 2014 video. Lord David Owen: Historic ‘toe-holders’ and time limits
"I should start with one of the most charismatic politicians of the 20th Century, Franklin D Roosevelt. He was not a consensual figure; he knew how to hate… he was...
Conference 2014 video. Gillian Hyde: Influential partnerships – a possible role for a modern day court jester
"Derailers in organisations are inevitable and their impact increases as they move up the career ladder. At the same time, counter-balances decrease; there is no-one contradicting or advising people as...