Posts tagged with: Books
Tony Blair’s leadership style in foreign policy: Hubris without constraints? (2015)
Analysing Tony Blair’s war-time leadership (involving no less than four military interventions), the author asks “did other parts of the British power structure play their constitutional role?”" Pauline Schnapper, Professor...
Napoleonic leadership: a study in power. (2015)
"200 years after his defeat, what lessons can we learn from his successes and his failures? Stephanie Jones, Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at Maastricht School of Management, Jonathan Gosling,...
Disorders of Personality. Introducing a DSM/ICD spectrum from normal to abnormal. 3rd edition. (2015)
Theodore Millon, Ph.D., D.Sc., Institute for Advanced Studies in Personology and Psychopathology Wiley Series on Personality Processes, Pub. John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders...
Book: The Narcissist Test – How to spot outsized egos… and the surprising things we can learn from them. (2015)
"narcissism is a spectrum ... some level of it can make us better partners, courageous leaders, and intrepid explorers. Beware however of “extreme narcissists” who tend to be demanding, approval-seeking, manipulative. Dr Craig Malkin, Instructor...
Inclusive leadership: a framework for the global era (2015)
"...leaders no longer understand global financial ecosystems' complexity... fragmented actors make millions of decisions in isolation and capitalism have decoupled from economic value and the values of civilisation itself. Tomorrow's...
Hubris: Why economists failed to predict the crisis and how to avoid the next one. (2015)
“…underscores the contribution of hubris to economists' calamitous lack of foresight, and makes a persuasive case for re-engagement with the history of economic thought. Professor Lord Desai, Honorary Fellow...
Narcissism and Politics: Dreams of Glory. (2015)
“From Woodrow Wilson and MacArthur to Kennedy and Netanyahu, Hussein and Putin, Post illuminates the links between narcissistic personalities and public life. Dr Jerrold M. Post, Professor of Psychiatry, Political...
Staying sane in business: A practical guide to sanity, success and satisfaction at work. (2015)
"Our top three risky characters, and ones that we are quite sure you’d be better off not working for or with, are the psychopath, the narcissist and the hubristic leader…"...
4D leadership, competitive advantage through vertical leadership development. (2015)
"... few people develop their intellectual capabilities beyond (their level) as teenagers. This, is why we see so many power battles at the top of companies, “toys out of the pram” episodes,...
The philosophy, politics and economics of finance in the 21st century: From Hubris to Disgrace. (2015)
“..places the world of finance under a microscope, analyses the assumptions that have led from hubris to disgrace and provides suggestions for an improved society. Edited by Patrick O'Sullivan,...