The rise of bullying bosses and incivility in the workplace. (2017)
“…there is compelling evidence that both incivility and abusive bosses are flourishing in our organizations… (we must ask) what kind of leaders we really want, and (which) are best for...
The psychological structure of humility. (2016)
“..humility is uniformly operationalized as a positive, socially desirable construct… (however) we found humility takes two distinct forms, ‘appreciative’ and ‘self-abasing’…” Aaron C. Weidman, University of British Columbia; Joey T Cheng, University...
CEO overconfidence and ambidextrous innovation. (2017)
“...overconfident CEOs are more apt to create or magnify an imbalance in innovation ambidexterity.” Ying-Jiuan Wong, National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences, Taiwan; Cheng-Yu Lee, Southern Taiwan University of Science and...
Performance-related pay and banking do not mix. (2017)
“Many of the (financial) scandals we are still wading through stem from poor incentives...” Financial Times Inside Business, 13 August 2017 Jonathan Ford, City editor of the Financial Times “In...
With leader charisma it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. (2017)
“…both low-charisma and high-charisma leaders were seen as less effective than those in between” Alex Fradera, Contributing Writer The British Psychological Society Research Digest 14 June 2017 Photo: John Stillwell/WPA...
Humility and tone at the top. (2017)
"...leader-expressed humility correlates positively with both employee job engagement and employee job satisfaction and correlates negatively with voluntary job turnover." International Leadership Journal, pp 54-71 Volume 9, Issue 2, Summer...
Besides greed, what motivates inside traders? (2017)
“Insider traders - mostly male - do it for the money, (but are also) influenced by hubris, feelings of conquest, playing seduction games and adrenaline highs.” Andrew Snyder, family therapist, prison...
The double-edged sword of leader charisma: Understanding the curvilinear relationship between charismatic personality and leader effectiveness. (2017)
“…charismatic tendencies become maladaptive, particularly in relation to leader effectiveness, when taken too far.” Jasmine Vergauwe, Ghent University, Belgium; Bart Wille, University of Antwerp, Belgium; Joeri Hofmans, Vrije Universiteit Brussel,...
How malignant narcissistic bosses destroy companies. (2017)
‘Most boards are far too lenient with control freaks... (because) they are typically selected from the same stable..” Olive Keogh, The Irish Times 2 June 2017 (Interview with Manfred Kets...
Why narcissists are unwilling to apologize: The role of empathy and guilt. (2017)
"...narcissists are unwilling to apologize for their transgressions, as they experience little empathy for their victims and lower guilt." Joost M. Leunissen, Nottingham Trent University, UK; Constantine Sedikides and Tim...