Taming power: ‘generative historical consciousness’. (2016)
Is the capacity for corruption inherent in the nature of power? A mechanism for taming power could be ‘Generative historical consciousness’. David. G. Winter, University of Michigan American Psychologist, Vol...
Written by: Winter, D. G.
Read moreHow does leader humility influence team performance? Exploring the mechanisms of contagion and collective promotion focus. (2016)
"Leader behavior can spread via social contagion to followers... leaders need to lead by example." Bradley P Owens, Brigham Young University; & David R. Hekman, University of Colorado Academy of...
Written by: Owens, B. P., & Hekman, D. R.
Read moreOverconfident CEOs are less socially responsible. (2016)
"Overconfident CEOs invest less in activities that impact positively on society… Female CEOs are significantly less overconfident than male CEOs." Barry Oliver The Conversation, 12 December 2016 Drawn from the...
Written by: Oliver, B., McCarthy, S. & Song, S.
Read moreCorporate social responsibility or CEO narcissism? CSR motivations and organizational performance. (2015)
"CSR initiatives may result from leaders’ personal needs for attention and image reinforcement and be less strategic for their organizations in terms of financial performance and focus. Oleg V. Petrenko,...
Written by: Petrenko, O. V., Aime, F., Ridge, J., & Hill, A.
Read moreMaster of puppets: How narcissistic CEOs construct their professional worlds. (2016)
“…narcissistic CEOs …pursue media celebrity, affiliate with high-status board members, employ lower-status management team members and manage each group differently...” Arijit Chatterjee, Management, ESSEC Business School, Singapore and Timothy Pollock, Penn...
Written by: Chatterjee, A., & Pollock, T.
Read moreHubris and unethical decision making: the tragedy of the uncommon. (2016)
"...hubris leads managers to invoke an amoral decision process which causes a higher incidence of unethical behavior among these individuals. Joseph McManus, Monmouth University, New Jersey Journal of Business Ethics,...
Written by: McManus, J.
Read moreDirect and interactive effects of narcissism and power on overconfidence. (2016)
“…when narcissism is paired with power, there is a heightened probability of risky decision-making." Lee A. Macenczak, Stacy Campbell & Amy B. Henley all of Kennesaw State University, Georgia; &...
Written by: Macenczak, L. A., Campbell, S., Henley, A. B., & Campbell, W. K.
Read moreGrappling with the gods: Reflections for coaches of the narcissistic leader. (2010)
"A practical reflection of narcissism in organizations and core issues coaches may face (in dealing with it).” Kerri S. Kearney, Associate Professor, Oklahmoa State University International Journal of Evidence Based...
Written by: Kearney, K. S.
Read moreToo arrogant for their own good? Why and when narcissists dismiss advice. (2015)
“…narcissists eschew advice … because they think others are incompetent and because they fail to reduce their self-enhancement…” Edgar E. Kausel, University of Chile; Satoris S. Culbertson, Kansas State University;...
Written by: Kausel, E. E., Culbertson, S. S., Leiva, P. I., Slaughter, J. E., & Jackson, A. T.
Read moreLeader narcissism and follower outcomes: The counterbalancing effect of leader humility. (2015)
" from followers and leaders working for a large health insurance organization showed that the interaction of leader narcissism and leader humility is associated with perceptions of leader effectiveness, follower...
Written by: Owens, Bradley P; Wallace, Angela S; Waldman, David A.
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