Articles & blogs
When Founders Go Too Far (2017)
"Given the extraordinary power imbalance that’s now the norm in Silicon Valley boardrooms, it should be no surprise that many founder-CEOs are behaving badly. In fact, the real surprise may...
Written by: Steve Blank
Read moreAre you a toxic boss? If your team won’t tell you, neuroscience will (2017)
"Absolute power does, in fact, corrupt absolutely." Hogshead, S. Founder & CEO 'How to Fascinate' Inc., November 17, 2017 Image: Pexels "Confidence can be perceived as aggression by employees. Confident...
Written by: Sally Hogshead
Read moreWhy some men feel the need to win at all costs (2017)
"...If men fight harder than women at the negotiation table, they perhaps also fight dirtier, more often employing unethical tactics such as outright deception." Thau, S. INSEAD Professor of Organisational...
Written by: Stefan Thau
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Psychology suggests that power doesn’t make people bad—it just reveals their true natures (2016)
"The more power people get, the more freedom they feel they have to be their authentic selves, acting consistently with their goals and values. In other words, power isn’t inherently...
Written by: Michael W. Kraus
Read moreHow leaders and their teams can stop executive hubris (2017)
"...One of the chief characteristics of hubris is blindness — the inability to see it in oneself, much less admit it and do something about it." Jonathan Mackey, managing partner in...
Written by: Jonathan Mackey, Sharon Toye
Read more‘It was like a bereavement’: life after leaving a big job (2017)
"...the hardest lesson may not be dealing with the ignobility conferred by your newfound lack of status, the really tough bit is dealing with your newfound sense of self." Melissa...
Written by: Melissa Viney
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Using tweets to decrypt the personality of Donald Trump and other powerful people (2017)
"In the case of President Trump, researchers conclude he is an 'emotionally unstable innovator'." Queensland University of Technology EurekAlert 27 July 2017 Image:Skidmore "An international research team, led by [Queensland...
Written by: Queensland University of Technology
Read moreCould your personality derail your career? (2017)
"Research over decades suggests that it’s very difficult to change core aspects of your personality after age 30. But you can—through self-awareness, appropriate goal setting, and persistence..." Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, CEO...
Written by: Daedalus admin
Read morePutting an end to leaders’ self-serving behavior (2017)
"...when there’s ambiguity in the context, people convince themselves that they deserve more resources than others, a form of motivated reasoning that in turn facilitate[s] their self-serving behavior." Morela Hernandez, associate...
Written by: Hernandez, M.
Read moreSex, power, and the systems that enable men like Harvey Weinstein (2017)
"The to change social systems in which the abuses of power arise and continue unchecked." Dacher Keltner, professor of psychology at University of California, Berkeley. Harvard Business Review, October 13, 2017 " research into...
Written by: Keltner, D.
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